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MUSIC! The Student Globe Trotter (SGT) YouTube Channel

The Student Globe Trotter YouTube Channel (LINK)

For more information, visit the MUSIC page and click on the links on this post.

Hello fellow travelers!

As you may notice, I have daily post called the “Song of the Day.” This idea spurned from my passion for international music and my desire to introduce it to other people. I feel that music is an integral part of the travel experience. Listening to the music from a specific region/country can show you what the locals are listening to and what is popular in the region or country. Also music can be a conversation starter with the locals, so you can make new friends and broaden your music knowledge by knowing about international music all at the same time.

To make it easier for you to obtain the music and listen to it, I have posted all of the music on the SGT YouTube channel. When you go to the channel, you will find two different playlists:

On the YouTube channel, you can listen to the music in a playlist format and you can share the music with your friends. As of right now, we only one Global Playlist for Ghana, but we are in the process creating Global Playlists for Buenos Aires (Argentina) and New York City (USA).


If you have any questions and/or suggestions for the Song of the Day or our Global Playlists, email us at

Hope to hear from you soon!

Happy travels!

Jeanell (The Globe Trotting Rockstar)

Song of the Day – February 24, 2012

Song: “Pa’ Bailar (Fiesta Tanguera-Electronica)

Artist: Bajofondo

Country of Origin: Argentina

Song of the Day Archive

Tango music has always intrigued me because it gets people out of their seats and they move in the most seductive gyrations. It is interesting and mesmerizing. I like this song in particular because there is an electric edge to it. It is not your grandmother’s tango music. It is energized for the younger crowd, who may be into the new trend of dance music, but they want to dance traditional tango. This is where music like this comes to play. It mixes those two loves, and gives listeners and dancers the best of both worlds. The other day, I was talking to a friend who spent a semester abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and she said this music was extremely popular there. After hearing this, I had to listen to more music from Argentina. Argentinian mainstream music is quite a delight to listen to and I recommend it for everybody.

I think all of you will be happily enthralled with music from this popular South American country.  I say this because it is always a good thing to get out of your music bubble and listen to new music from around the world. Hopefully, after listening to this track, you will find a tango dance class or club near you where you jump into this dance craze!

Enjoy the Song of the Day!